FCC官方于2015年10月23日更新大量有关FCC SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) 测试认证的KDB文档(OET Knowledge DataBase), 即时生效。详情如下:
KDB Number |
Old Version |
New Version |
Release Note |
KDB 248227 D01 |
v02r01 |
v02r02 |
Adjusted bullet list numbering format and removed inapplicable 40 MHz 802.11g columns from tables in Appendix C. |
KDB 447498 D01 |
v05r02 |
v06 |
Changes include update to reference latest IEEE Std 1528-2013, replacing PBA with PAG, updated certain text and added several footnotes for clarification, changing section numbering format and removing submitting approvals directly to the FCC (per FCC 14-208). |
KDB 447498 D02 |
v02 |
v02r01 |
A KDB inquiry is now required to determine the need for RF exposure labeling due to removal of the 1.2 W/kg PBA requirement |
KDB 615223 D01 |
v01 |
v01r01 |
Changed reference to PBA with PAG and included editorial and formatting changes to synchronize document with other KDB publications. Added heading numbering. |
KDB 616217 D04 |
v01r01 |
v01r02 |
Update numbering format and cross-references to other KDB publications. Update per FCC-14-208 changes to FCC TCB program. |
KDB 643646 D01 |
v01r01 |
v01r03 |
Corrections to footnote references. |
KDB 648474 D03 |
v01r02 |
v01r03 |
Updated PBA to PAG and modified text to include Qi, PMA and A4WP protocols. |
KDB 648474 D04 |
v01r02 |
v01r03 |
Updated references to latest IEEE Std 1528-2013 with IEEE Std 1528-2013, included SAR screening considerations for dynamic antenna tuners and other minor updates. |
KDB 865664 D02 |
v01r01 |
v01r02 |
Included various editorial updates to synchronize document format with other KDB publications and clarified the applicable scope and frequency range of IEC 62704-1. |
KDB 941225 D01 |
v03 |
v03r01 |
Replaced PBA with PAG and corrected two typos. |
KDB 941225 D05 |
v02r03 |
v02r04 |
Removed outdated information, added TDD test setup requirements and included other minor clarifications on certain large frequency bands and A-MPR conditions. |
KDB 941225 D05A |
v01r01 |
v01r02 |
Updated document to clarify the downlink carrier aggregation channel selection conditions for uplink power measurement, changed PBA to PAG and included minor clarifications for LTE-U, LAA and LWA. Heading numbering added. |
KDB 941225 D06 |
v02 |
v02r01 |
Replaced PBA with PAG and included minor editorial clarification for hotspot mode and body-worn accessory test consideration. Added heading numbering. |
KDB 941225 D07 |
v01r01 |
v01r02 |
Included editorial and format changes; also updated footnote 1. |
来源:BALUN原创 作者:宗荔瑶 责任编辑:芭拉小编