
Statement of Impartiality

东莞市巴能检测技术有限公司遵守《检验检测机构资质认定管理办法》(质检总局令第163号)、《检验检测机构资质认定能力评价 检验检测机构通用要求》(RB/T 214-2017)、《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》(CNAS-CL01:2018)和“General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”(ISO/IEC 17025:2017)的要求,并承诺:

Dongguan BALUN Testing Technology Co., Ltd. abides by the requirements of AQSIQ Order No.163, RB/T 214-2017, CNAS-CL01:2018 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017, and hereby declares:


Abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the country, follow the principles of objective independence, fairness, honesty and credibility, abide by professional ethics, and bear social responsibility.


Establish, implement and maintain documented quality management system and rules and regulations, continuously improve their adaptability and effectiveness, and relevant departments and personnel shall be familiar with and understand their provisions, and earnestly implement them.


Adhere to the quality policy of " Credibility, Impartiality, Rigorousness, Efficiency and Innovation ", the service tenet of "All for Trust", the service concept of "customer-centered", and provide reliable and high-quality services for customers.


In the laboratory activities, the company and its personnel shall be independent of the interested parties involved in the testing data and results issued by them, maintain independent testing and independent judgment, be free from the pressure and influence from internal and external, improper commercial, financial and other aspects, and ensure the authenticity, objectivity, accuracy and traceability of the testing data and results.


Keep all information (including but not limited to state secrets, trade secrets and technical secrets) known (including obtained and generated) in the testing activities confidential, and safeguard the national interests, the company's interests and the legitimate rights and interests of customers.


Dongguan BALUN Testing Technology Co., Ltd.
